Wort St.
St. John's wort for men is known as an aphrodisiac, as is its healing effect on the prostate gland and male potency.
Useful attributes for men

St. John's wort contains many useful and beneficial active substances for humans:
- Hypericin- a pigment with anti-bacterial properties (even against Staphylococcus aureus), an antidepressant effect and promotes the production of "happy hormones" (serotonin and melatonin);
- Quercetin, has anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects, reduces swelling and spasms, normalizes blood circulation, in addition, it has anti-allergic and diuretic effects;
- Amenoflavones and procyanideshelps to heal wounds and inflammation, improves digestion, has a vasodilator effect.
Benefits of St. What is John's wort for health?
Its medicinal properties are manifested in the treatment of such diseases as:
- St. John's wort has an astringent and antibacterial effect in case of intestinal pain and inflammation;
- suffer from flatulence and colic - reduce fermentation in the digestive tract;
- with stones or dyskinesias in the biliary tract - has a cholestatic effect;
- with various inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, enteritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis) - reduces the inflammatory process;
- with vasospasm, the benefit of St. John's wort is shown to have vasodilating and strengthening effects, it also improves blood circulation in the body;
- used in the treatment of hypertension, migraine;
- to reduce inflammation in the prostate gland in men;
- with diseases of the respiratory system (tonsillitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis);
- antioxidant properties used in the treatment of tumor processes;
- help relieve depression and treat chronic fatigue with minimal side effects (compared to drugs);
- in skin diseases - treatment of sores, wounds, sores and burns;
- St. John's wort for potency in men is used in the form of tinctures and decoction.

How to St. Does John's wort affect potency?
The main features of St. John's wort, determined to affect potency, is its ability to dilate blood vessels, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory effects. How to St. Does John's wort affect potency? When it is used, the glands are stimulated and the production of androgens increases. The combination of these healing actions can improve a man's health and positively affect his abilities.
One of the positive actions of St. John's wort is the solution to potency problems due to psychological causes>. St John's wort tincture will help relieve irritation, reduce fatigue and deal with depression and blues. Reviews of men who have been treated with St. John's wort shows that such a treatment is effective in increasing potency.
How to use St. John's wort for men?
You can also add nettle leaves, rose hip, or hawthorn to the decoction.
St. John's wort for men is used as a decoction or tincture:
- Water transmission:10 g of grass is taken (you can take fresh or chopped dry), pour 1 tbsp. Boil water and set to infuse for half an hour. After straining the infusion, you can drink it in 50 ml 3 r. a day before a meal.
- Vodka. 100 g of chopped grass pour 0. 5 liters of vodka, leave in a dark, cool place for 10 days, then filter the water. Drink 40-50 caps. three times a day before meals.
- Hypericum Extract. 4 tbsp. l. Stir the herbs with 100 ml of 70% alcohol, incubate for 10 days. Then filter the water and drink 15-20 drops. before meal 3 p. In one day.
- decoction. 10 g of grass pour 1 tbsp. boil over low heat for 15 minutes, cool and filter the water. A decoction drink before meals 3 times a day.

The duration of using heirloom drugs should not be prolonged so as not to cause adverse effects, causing premature ejaculation and reduced effectiveness.
Experts recommend drinking such drinks and teas containing St. John's wort no more than twice a month.
Contraindications and side effects
Men with the following health problems should not drink St. John's wort:
- nephritis and cirrhosis of the liver;
- the possibility of allergic reactions of the body;
- hypertension (taking tinctures with St. John's wort increases blood pressure).
Attention!When treated with St. John's wort, prolonged sun exposure is not recommended due to increased sensitivity to the sun's rays and increased susceptibility to burns during this time.
It should be noted that long-term treatment with such an herb can cause many negative side effects:
- allergic reactions, as well as a decrease in male potency;
- violations in the liver, which is manifested by pain sensations on the right side below the ribs, a feeling of bitterness, stool disorders and decreased appetite;
- nausea, vomiting, headache;
- When using this herb, it is advisable to limit smoked foods, marinades, chocolate products, coffee and alcohol in the diet.
Importance!When using antidepressants, absolutely do not drink tea with St. John's wort, can cause nervous disorders, headache and dizziness, loss of consciousness.
Because of the possible negative effects, before taking such an herb, you should consult your doctor for advice on the appropriate dose and duration of treatment.
More careful
As can be seen above, St. John's wort has quite strong effects on humans and especially on the male body. So, the pros and cons for men of consuming St. John's wort depends on the prescribed dose and the duration of treatment prescribed by the doctor.